Tuesday, August 27, 2013

And the first tears have been shed.

With my upcoming departure it was only a matter of time before the flow of tears started. However, they were good tears and it was really nice to lay in bed as a family and just cry for a bit. I don't know how I am going to handle these next few months alone but that thought will comfort me during those lonely nights when I just can't sleep. 

I will admit that I am very excited to be going on this trip and I feel privileged to be a part of this amazing program. Seeing as how I haven't been on in a few months I'll fill you in. 

From September to November I will be participating in SEA Semester. Basically I spend six weeks in Massachusetts and then I spend six weeks sailing from there to the Virgin Islands while performing research I developed while in land. I plan on researching the effects of plastic ingestion by fishes and seeing if it has any adverse effects or if they in fact ingest plastic at all! So as sad as I'm going to be at night I will be plenty busy during the day.

I plan on keeping this blog up to date with what I'm doing and I guess I'm starting today. So more tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm really proud of you, Sage. We're both kind of throwing ourselves head-first into the opportunities in our field. You're going to rock it.
