Saturday, October 20, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself...

Hey all!

If you're here on purpose or if you've stumbled on my blog by mistake, I'm glad you're here. Stick around to learn a little bit about me and to tell me a little bit about yourself!

My name is Sage and I live in Dallas, OR with my wonderful boyfriend, Gonzalo, and our two beautiful dogs, Scottie and JoJo.
Scottie is the Yorkshire/Silky Terrier and JoJo is a mix of Chinese Crested/Poodle/Maltese. They are my babies, I seriously treat them like my children! I would put a picture of Gonzalo up here as well, but he's not ready for that, so we'll leave it...for now. I guess you'll just have to be content with looking at me and my dogs!
That beautiful girl is me! Haha, just kidding, that's conceited. 
I've been alive for 21 short years, have two tattoos, one on each wrist, and as you can see I am a fan of piercings. I have my cheeks pierced, although they are only dermals, a nose ring, 1/2 plugs, regular second ear piercing and both tragus' pierced. Let's see, what else...yes that is natural curl, it dries like that...and no I don't always take portraits while driving. Let's see if I have any pictures of my tattoos!

My left wrist.
"Don't Panic, All You Need Is Love
(more specifically, love for the Earth). 
My right wrist.
"Love who you are"
Picture compliments of The Ugly Duckling

Without diving too deep into my past and whathaveyou, that about sums me up. But this is not the real reason I started this blog. Oh no. I started this blog for motivation; for what you ask? Well let me enlighten you. But not tonight...come back tomorrow and I'll tell you everything you need to know. It's late and this post has run on long enough. 

Tune in tomorrow to find out if Seth wakes up from the coma and if Monica is going to keep the baby!!!

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