Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So I actually like my classes this term, but Tuesday and Thursday are my favorite because of Volleyball. Volleyball is not only my favorite sport, but it's also the only exercise I can do for hours on end and not get bored or tired or whathaveyou. But why do I love Tuesday and Thursdays so much? I only have volleyball; no other classes just a volleyball class in the morning and my league at night. The problem is, it creates a 6 hour gap and presents two options. Seeing as how both my class and my league are both in Salem, OR I can either stay in Salem all day or drive back and forth. Needless to say, I chose the first option. I would hate to be driving to and fro and I would not get anything done either. So I stay in Salem all day and work on homework. The sucky part is being away from my family from 11a-10p and having to pack both a lunch and a dinner to avoid spending money on meals. All in all, it's not that bad and it just goes to show there's not much I wouldn't do for volleyball.

I stepped on the scale this morning and I've lost another 2 pounds! I am ecstatic! Finally, all the exercise and healthy eating habits are starting to pay off! It's also given me a boost to continue on the track I'm on; to keep eating healthy and exercising as much as my body will let me.

Well I'll keep this short, seeing as how I have to get to volleyball soon! I hope you all had a relaxing, rainy day as well and that something made you happy. If not, go do something for yourself before the day is done. We all deserve to be happy, at least once per day!

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