Sunday, January 26, 2014

Random thoughts of a girl who's trying to sleep

Since I've been back a lot of people have asked me how my trip was. Some were truly interested, but most were not, and only asked to be polite. So, soon after I start telling them, they lose interest. I can't say I blame them as very few people can truly live vicariously through others, I know I can't. It's hard to hear about someone's amazing experiences, especially when you might feel like you haven't done nearly enough with your life. I'm here to tell you, "Who cares?" Who cares about what you have or haven't or have yet to do. If you are happy with yourself at the end of the day then you are better off than a lot of people, and if you aren't, change what you are doing. Do something you love, no matter how small. But please, for the love of whatever god you believe in, don't ask somebody about their experiences if you're not truly interested. And I can't stress the word truly enough. It's not fair to the person who's taking the time to share something with you and it just makes them feel like crap. 

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