Sunday, January 13, 2013

Not so much a resolution as a way of life.

Aaaand I'm back!

Well, at least for now I am.

It's not easy keeping an up-to-date blog, especially if you're uncreative in every sense of the word. Is that even a word? Hope so...

I guess the next logical step is to update you all (although I don't think anyone follows me, but oh well) on the happenings of my life since I've been away.

It is now Winter term at Oregon State University and my schedule is sweet. I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursdays with at least a two hour break in between. I decided that this term I wanted to take it a little easier and try to get all A's, because my GPA desperately needs it. I am currently looking for a job, as we are hella broke and living off of financial aid and loans. Fun times all around. I do, however, have an exam on Tuesday for a Community Service Officer position for the city of Salem's police department that I'm pretty excited about. Kind of nervous though, as it's a written exam...but I'm sure I'll do fine.

I'm still playing volleyball as often as I can, which right now is three times a week, hopefully going on four at the end of January. Nothing too exciting about volleyball except that because of it I've lost SIXTEEN POUNDS! I now weigh what I did in September of 2009!!! I'm still working at it too, but it's slow going. I'm just trying to watch as well as log what I eat and exercise as much as I can. But it's hard because I hate exercising unless it's playing volleyball...I know, I'm a baby. It is exciting though, to lose weight that is.

When you've been overweight your whole life, only gaining, never losing, it can be pretty disheartening; especially if you have no one there to support you. That's not true in my case, but I'm sure plenty of people experience that every day. Now, this year I didn't really make any resolutions, but I did get deathly ill over the winter break which made me think of how much I take for granted. When I was sick, (it was a stomach bug, nothing too serious, but man, it wiped me out!) I couldn't get out of bed without being nauseous and if I ate or moved around I puked. To top that all off my stomach was in knots and even lying down I was in excruciating pain. All in all, it was awful (I lost two pounds though! haha). The only thing I could think of was how badly I wanted to feel better, to be able to sit up, eat, drink, hell even sleep through the whole night! I just wanted the pain to stop. I realized then how much I take for granted. Most days I let time slip right by, without making any effort at all to be happy or appreciate what I have. Now, I'm not religious per se, but I believe that life is a gift, not to be wasted or frittered away. I guess I just needed a different perspective on life to make me remember how precious life really is. I mean, my life wasn't in danger, I wasn't dying; but I knew that there are people who have to live their lives in pain be it from self-infliction, sickness or what-have-you. So right then and there I told myself that I would try to treat every day as a gift, to reach out to others, to have integrity, to make my life mean something. I've held to that for the past few weeks and let me tell you, it makes everything more enjoyable. So I invite you to try it with me. Look for the good in everything, stay positive even when everything is going wrong. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Feel free to leave a comment below of how you kept positivity in your life, or how you didn't let life bring you down but instead let it lift you up. I look forward to hearing from some of you!

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