Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wedding Update

The wedding is officially on! We've set the date for May 6th, 2013 (which is our original anniversary date, makes it easy to remember!). We've also chosen to do something rather simple. We're going to have the ceremony at the Polk County Courthouse (pictured below) and anyone who wants to come is welcome to. Depending on the number of people in attendance, we might have a little get-together at our house afterwards, but we'll see. If you know me, and are friends with me on Facebook, I made an event you can join so I know how many people are coming. Gonzalo and I are also going to register at a few places soon, but we don't need anything too expensive...just a few kitchen supplies and such.

Gonzalo and I are still debating rings, as we don't have that much money, but I'd really like to have one. He's just reluctant to look because he knows how broke we are, plus he doesn't care about things like that. I would also like to have a nice dress. My friend Veronica and I are going to try and make a dress, but we don't know how much it will cost exactly. My budget is about $80 because that's the average price of a dress on, which is my back-up plan if Veronica and I strike out. Hopefully we can make one for less though!

I also found a SUPER good deal on Groupon today for pictures too! It expires before our actual wedding day, but I'm hoping Gonzalo will be in to taking some pictures beforehand! I would love to start this marriage out right and have some photos to hang up! Again, he's not into this sort of thing, so it's all on me (and any of my friends who want to help!)

As for dresses...
This is my favorite dress so far. Although, this is a close second...This one is out of stock but it is so beautiful!

As for Gonzalo and wedding-wear, I'm thinking of just putting him in a blazer and some nice black pants with one of his favorite shirts. That's what he likes to wear, so I'm not going to force him to wear a tux, which he hates.

All in all, it should be a simple affair with just a few of our closest friends. We haven't told our parents yet...kind of putting it off for whatever reason. I'm excited though. I finally get to call him my husband! We will be getting married on our seven year anniversary, some people probably think that's way too long, but look how long we've lasted so far? Nothing is going to stop us now. There will be no divorce in our future, unlike those people who get married after only a few months. I'm sorry to bash them, but it just seems crazy to me; you don't even know them or their tendencies...but I digress. I hope all my friends can make it for our joyous event and if not, hopefully we'll have some pictures afterwards!

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